Chris O'Rourke was slated to be California's biggest surfer back in the 1970's. Every surfer was jealous of this talented, hot headed young man who lead the idea of localism at his home beach of Windandsea. But tragedy struck in the form of cancer, Hodgkin's disease, when Chris was only 18. Brew Brigg's, a close friend of Chris', had recently come to know Christ as his Lord and saviour, and shared all he knew with Chris.
Chris embraced Jesus and began adamantly sharing his faith with everyone he could. Now watch his inspiring video story:
Changes-Chris O'Rourke from WalkingOnWater on Vimeo.
At Life Story Foundation, we are continually looking for inspirational videos and stories that describe a person's life before and after they found their Christian faith. If you know of a Christian testimony story or video online, please email us the link so we can post it on our site.
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Life Story Foundation
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