by Grover Cannon
We’ve all been “out on a limb.” Usually balancing precariously without adequate support. But when Grover Cannon goes out on a limb, as he does many times in this venture in faith, Grover’s support is boundless and never-failing. It is faith, and it’s object is the living God! Grover will surprise and delight you with his countless stories of God in action. Just be assured that this recording, once played, will set off a chain of faith actions in your own life. Will there ever be another Grover Cannon? Careful as you answer. It may very well… be YOU!
> Read or Listen to Grover Cannon’s Life Story
At Life Story Foundation, we are continually looking for inspirational stories that describe a person's life before and after they found their Christian faith. If you know of a Christian testimony story or video online, please email us the link so we can post it on our site.
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Life Story Foundation
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