Posted by: Amy
in Illness on Nov 14, 2010
After suffering a severe seizure, doctors informed Lisa Starr that she had a massive brain tumor the size of a softball. Immediate surgery was planned with a bleak outlook: 25% survival rate, and, even upon surviving surgery the doctors projected Lisa would not live more than 30 days post operation. Watch this motivational video as, 7 months post surgery, a healthy and cancer free Lisa shares her inspirational life story how God helped her overcome the odds.
Posted by: Amy
in Illness on Oct 29, 2010
Janelle Hail grew up with a loving Christian mother, and a angry atheist father. Watch this motivational video as Janelle tells her inspirational life story of her battle with cancer gave her the chance to learn compassion.
Posted by: Amy
in Illness on Oct 29, 2010
Tamara Jolee is the host of "The Show," and "Friday Football Fever," a high school football show. Right after school she found success after success, but never expected what the doctors told in 2009. Watch this motivational video as Tamara tells her inspirational life story of how her battle with cancer is made easier with Jesus.
Posted by: Amy
in Sports on Sep 23, 2010
Watch this motivational video as pro wrestler Dr. Death Steve Williams shares his inspirational life story of the tragic events that brought his conversion to Christianity.
Posted by: Ice75
in Adversity on Sep 23, 2010
When I was young I had dreams of being a top athlete and going to the Olympics like my father had done before me… all that changed October 18th 1988 when I was diagnosed and had a surgery to remove a huge brain tumor in my cerebellum! The Astrocytoma was diagnosed at the last minute and has a result I almost died! The surgery was performed by some of the best surgeons in Europe equipped with a brand new surgery technique. Although I was fortunate that it was benign, the surgery lasted nine hours and I had a 30% chance of living.
After staying in intensive care in a coma for four days, I had no motor skills left and didn’t know why God had spared me. I stayed in the hospital for 1 month and the long road of recovery had started but not before a grim analysis of doctors saying I would maybe walk in a year, couldn’t swim, maybe one day I would finish high school and having a job or getting a secondary degree would be “impossible”.
Well I surpassed expectations with the help of God, I walked within six months, swam varsity in college, have a master’s degree and am a teacher. Recently I have published a book of my life in the hope of helping people and motivate them never to give up in the face of adversity.
Posted by: lifestory
in Sports on May 29, 2010
Chris O'Rourke was slated to be California's biggest surfer back in the 1970's. Every surfer was jealous of this talented, hot headed young man who lead the idea of localism at his home beach of Windandsea. But tragedy struck in the form of cancer, Hodgkin's disease, when Chris was only 18. Brew Brigg's, a close friend of Chris', had recently come to know Christ as his Lord and saviour, and shared all he knew with Chris.
Posted by: pamelajo
in Adversity on Jan 30, 2010
Jan and Mike
Transcribed from Testimony tape.
By Pam Whitley
I always like to start out by making sure everyone knows that I'm one of those GRITS girls....Girls Raised In The South…and I am telling you that for a reason. Even though I've lost most of my accent, and believe me I have, because when I first moved to Oklahoma, people would say things like “let me hear you say so and so again. Then they'd practically roll in the floor laughing when I said whatever. So even though I've lost most of my accent, I still use different terms for things than some of my Oklahoma friends do. For example, they go out and start their cars; I crank mine. They go to the grocery store and find a parking place, I find a park. They go into the grocery store and get a shopping cart; I get a buggy! By the way, just for my own information, how many of you get a buggy?
Posted by: pgreenleaf333
in Death on Dec 02, 2009
The Shadow of Pain
Shadows are always there. The shadow of pain is like your shadow. Sometimes it is small and hard to find and then at other times it is a giant as tall as a tree. It is a constant companion that accompanies you. If you go fast it is just as fast. If you go slow it is slow. When you stop it stops. It matches you. When you are in the deepest valley your shadow is there. When at the heights of the highest mountain it is there also.
I never thought that the pain would shadow you. I would expect the pain would be there when I am low and downcast. I would expect it on birthdays, holidays, and death days. But not on the good days. The happy days. The fun days. The shadow is always there.
Posted by: pgreenleaf333
in Death on Dec 02, 2009
To the Sufferers
Sufferers suffer. Suffering can be anything that causes pain. Hurting. Ache. Pain. It can be physical or emotional or mental. The physical is just that physical. Back and neck pain is physical. Emotional is unseen but is the pain of the heart. The feelings that are deep. They go to the core. It could be self inflicted by feeding an emotional heartache or it could be inflicted by others or by circumstance. And the mental by pain of memories, pain of thought. Bad experiences of yesterday that is present today and steals away tomorrow. Although each is different they are all three connected. The physical is tied to the emotional and the mental, just as the mental and the emotional is tied to the physical. Each area affects the other. It could be by others or it could be self inflicted. Self inflicted could be by bad choices that were made and the consequences that come with it. Whether self inflicted or not, suffering is suffering.
Posted by: lifestory
in Death on Nov 27, 2009
James Matthew Greenleaf
From James' webpage written by his mother:
Sun Jul 9 10:42:26 CST 2000
On July 9, 1995 God blessed our lives with our precious James. I can still see the very moment James came into this world. The very moment the doctors put our sweet baby into my arms, my eyes saw such beauty. I'll never forget how he looked into my eyes for the longest time purring like a kitten. From the very moment the doctors put James into my arms we held on as tight as we could and never let go.