Posted by: Amy
in Adversity on Dec 09, 2010
As a child, Dr. Hyveth Williams was molested and victimized for over a decade. For years the pain inside her wounded soul was so intense her self-esteem hit rock bottom and she turned to sex, drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. Although she didn’t want to die as a young adult Hyveth attempted suicide several times. Once diagnosed as manic depressive she was able to overcome it without a lifelong dependence on medication. She was anorexic in her mid-twenties and dwindled down to 70 pounds. She suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. The doctors said if she survived she would never recover the use of most of her facial muscles. She proved them wrong. By the time she was thirty, she was addicted to prescription drugs, marijuana, nicotine alcohol and sex, but by the grace of God, she overcame them and has been clean for almost three decades. Watch this motivational video as she shares some of her inspirational story and what she is doing now.
Posted by: Amy
in Suicide on Dec 09, 2010
Justin Hodges put on a fake front to show that he had his life together but really he was empty and tried to escape life. Watch this motivational video as Justin shares part of his inspirational life story of his revelations of God's love and struggle to become real.
Posted by: Amy
in Depression on Dec 04, 2010
Ryan Meade was being crushed by his own lies and was ready to give up on life. Watch this motivational video as Ryan shares his inspirational life story of how he reached out to God at his lowest point and experienced a renewing.
Posted by: Amy
in Illness on Nov 30, 2010
Ricarda Taulien has always felt alone and rejected, unable to trust people. Watch this motivational video as she tells her inspirational life story of how this all changed once God started working in her life.
Posted by: Amy
in Purpose in life on Nov 20, 2010
Matthew didn't know what I wanted to do because I didn't know how I was, and found himself lost after high school. Watch this motivational video as Matthew shares some of this inspirational life story of how God answered old prayers to renew everything.
Posted by: Amy
in Addiction on Nov 20, 2010
After the death of his mother at the age of 16 Mike Polzien turned to drugs and alcohol for comfort. Watch this motivational video as Mike shares his incredible story of a life transformed through a relationship with Jesus.
Posted by: Amy
in Meaning on Nov 14, 2010
Watch this inspirational video as three people tell of their life stories and how they journeyed to Christ and discovered that he is the way, truth, and life.
Posted by: Amy
in Addiction on Nov 07, 2010
Doug & Deana Brandt met when they living on the streets and had a dead end life. Watch this motivational story as they share how they reached the bottom and discovered the true love of Christ.
Posted by: Amy
in Depression on Nov 07, 2010
Darcie Maines got caught up in addiction, unhealthy relationship, eating disorders and suicide at a young age. Watch this motivational video as Darcie shares her inspirational life story of how God has forgiven, accepted, and loved her.
Posted by: Amy
in Depression on Nov 07, 2010
Joel's life when in a downwards spiral at the age of 14 when his mother was pronounced brain dead. Watch this motivational video as Joel shares his inspirational life story how God reached out and saved him from his hopelessness.