Posted by: Amy
in Atheism on Dec 09, 2010
God had no place in Jim's life, in fact he never thought about God. Watch this motivational video as Jim shares his inspirational story of how he was introduced to Jesus by a girl and discovered a real faith through asking questions.
Posted by: Amy
in Forgiveness on Dec 09, 2010
John Marshall is a Chaplin in a prison and has encountered many angry men. Watch this motivational video as John shares and inspirational story of a thief and his encounter with Jesus.
Posted by: Amy
in Depression on Dec 04, 2010
Ryan Meade was being crushed by his own lies and was ready to give up on life. Watch this motivational video as Ryan shares his inspirational life story of how he reached out to God at his lowest point and experienced a renewing.
Posted by: Amy
in Purpose in life on Nov 20, 2010

Watch this motivational video as a three courageous people tell their inspirational life story of how their difficult paths were interrupted by an encounter with Christ.
Posted by: Amy
in Fatherlessness on Sep 24, 2010
When Brody Kalem was young, his search for love in a father figure ended in molestation. Brody was even more desperate for love and began to look in all the wrong places. Watch this motivational video as he shares his inspirational life story of how at the end of his rope, Brody turned to the true love of God.
Posted by: Amy
in Sports on Sep 10, 2010
David Robinson quickly became an NBA star and had everything you could think of. Despite this David could not find peace in his life. Watch this motivational video as David shares his inspirational life story of how God got a hold of his life and how his career challenged his faith.
Posted by: Amy
in Prostitution on Aug 30, 2010
Susan lived in fear as a child, fear from her abusive step-father and her emotionally distant mother. She was desperate for love and would do anything to find it. It wasn't long before she found drugs, alcohol, and porn as a teenager. Watch this motivational video to hear the inspirational life story of a promising women losing herself to prostitution and the day in prison she called out to God who responded with overwhelming love.
Posted by: Amy
in Other faiths on Aug 26, 2010
Walid Shoebat was born into a line of great Muslims and quickly grew into life placed before him. He became a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and dedicated his life to bringing terror to the Israel nation. This all changed when his wife challenged him to prove the Christian Bible wrong. Watch this motivational video as Walid shares his inspirational life story and the struggle it has been since his conversion to Christianity.
Posted by: Amy
in Other faiths on Aug 26, 2010
Anita Shetty was introduced to the Jesus through a friend at university gave her a copy of the New Testament. Intrigued by the new idea of knowing a God personally, Anita would begin to read and study the New Testamnt, in which she would learn about the story of the cross. Watch this motivational video as Anita from Mumbai shares her inspirational life story of how she went from having many gods to learning and accepting the one true living God.
Posted by: Amy
in Marriage on Aug 20, 2010
Conni Christy's parents were divorced when she was a child, and Connie followed suit three times in her own life. Conni was always trying to fill the void left by a distant relationship with her father and multiple suicides in her family. Watch this motivational video as Connie shares her inspirational life story of how she discovered to fill the emptiness with peace.