Posted by: Amy
in Addiction on Aug 30, 2010
Will first was introduced to porn in elementary school, but it wasn't until some years later that he got hooked. His addiction started with lust and porn and worked its way to being all inclusive to alcohol and ecstasy. Watch this motivational video as Will shares his inspirational life story of how he came to realize his part in destroying a girls life and his discover that Jesus loves sinners.
Posted by: Amy
in Prostitution on Aug 30, 2010
Susan lived in fear as a child, fear from her abusive step-father and her emotionally distant mother. She was desperate for love and would do anything to find it. It wasn't long before she found drugs, alcohol, and porn as a teenager. Watch this motivational video to hear the inspirational life story of a promising women losing herself to prostitution and the day in prison she called out to God who responded with overwhelming love.
Posted by: lifestory
in Other faiths on Jun 02, 2010
David Stein grew up in a Jewish household and followed Jewish traditions. However, God had no place in his life, allowing Satan to take a hold on David's life at the young age of seven. Watch this video as David shares his great sense of humor, and the story of how at 42 he ended up on a closet floor a divorced "alcoholic, pot-smoking, porn addict" and how a revelation from God inspired him to get back on his feet again.
I was nine or ten when I first saw pornography. It was in my brother's room. The Frisbee my friend and I were throwing just happened to go in my brother's open bedroom window. As I retrieved it, I brought a magazine with me. That was the start of our collection.
I was 15 before I first started masturbating. I'd never heard of it until a "friend" told me about it. He said, "You've got to try this. it's so awesome!" I struggled with consistent masturbating for the next 18 years.
I was 17 when I had sex for the first time. I sang in my high school's choir. As I wondered into class one day I saw on the face of one girl the same look I'd seen in hundreds of pornography magazines. The look said, "My body is yours, if you want it." She was a one night stand that claimed she was pregnant. She wasn't. No consequences, so I kept looking for answers in sex.