Posted by: Amy
in Meaning on Dec 09, 2010
Watch this moving video as Phil uses poetry to share his inspirational life story of how his life was transformed by the man who loved the most.
Posted by: Amy
in Purpose in life on Nov 20, 2010
Matthew didn't know what I wanted to do because I didn't know how I was, and found himself lost after high school. Watch this motivational video as Matthew shares some of this inspirational life story of how God answered old prayers to renew everything.
Posted by: Amy
in Business on Sep 22, 2010
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Greg Outlaw, a well-off CEO was molested under the Christmas tree at the age of 6. After discovering that his father, a church deacon, had an affair, Greg vowed never to step foot in church again and ventured into business. After turning down an offer of $25 million for this company due to his own greed; the discovery of a terminal illness because of habitual drug and alcohol abuse; and, fruitlessly spending his life in the 90's in pursuit of an IPO that ended up being shelved by the bursting of the Internet Bubble and bankruptcy, Greg finally heard and acknowledged the voice of God. Watch this three part motivational video as Greg shares his inspirational life story.
Posted by: Amy
in Depression on Aug 30, 2010
Dougie March, born in the North East of England, raised to fight before he could write, served time in seven different prisons for violence by his mid-twenties. Watch this motivational video as Dougie shares his inspirational life story of how Jesus rescued him from his lifestyle that would have surely led him to a life in and out of prison or even death.
Posted by: Amy
in Addiction on Aug 30, 2010
Will first was introduced to porn in elementary school, but it wasn't until some years later that he got hooked. His addiction started with lust and porn and worked its way to being all inclusive to alcohol and ecstasy. Watch this motivational video as Will shares his inspirational life story of how he came to realize his part in destroying a girls life and his discover that Jesus loves sinners.
Posted by: lifestory
in Selfishness on Aug 27, 2010
Jonathan Lippmann -

I grew up as a kid with a lot of attitude in Nashville, TN. When I was in 7th grade, my father had a brain tumor and was given 6 months to live. I knew it was bad when his high school marching band came over to the house to perform for my father in the front yard. I knew at that point he was probably going to die from the brain tumor.
My grandmother was a Christian, and she used to always witness to us, and I never used to want to hear it as a kid. She had a pastor call my father and lead him to Christ, and he gave his life to Christ a couple of weeks before he went back to the hospital to see how big the tumor was. They had given up hope and tried chemotherapy and everything. He went in and they did the test, and the tumor was completely gone! By the grace of God He healed my father. God definitely used that to show me how real He is, and although I wasn’t living for Him and didn’t know anything other than what my grandma told me -- Jesus healed my father -- I knew that to be true.
I came to know Christ in L.A. I met a friend who is a news anchor at Fox News. We used to work out together all the time. I used to talk to him about Take Six, the vocal group, how much I loved the harmonies, and I’d just be myself, cussin.’ He never judged me and never told me not to cuss. He just listened to me and showed me love. And I saw that, as much as he didn’t realize I saw it; I saw every bit of it.
Posted by: Amy
in Selfishness on Aug 25, 2010
Robert Russell grew up not knowing God, but God knew Robert. Robert grew up learning to look for for number one, doing everything to future his own causes. In college, working in a factory, and fighting in Vietnam, Robert attributed his success to his hard work. Watch this inspirational video as Robert tells of the true reasons behind his inspirational life story and his conversion to Christianity.
Posted by: Amy
in Addiction on Aug 09, 2010
Luke Unsworth's main focus in life was to have a good time, but over the years that good times of drinking and drugs became to overcome his life. He was waiting for his lifestyle to end his life and had lost all hope. Watch this motivational video as Luke tells his inspirational life story of how he overcame his violent background, his addiction to alcohol, and the testimony of faith this story became.
Posted by: lifestory
in Atheism on May 15, 2010
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Lee Strobel, a former atheist, holds a Master of Studies in Law degree from Yale Law School, was an investigative newspaper reporter, and was the award-winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune. Currently, he is a teaching pastor at Saddleback Valley Community Church in Lake Forest, Calif., and a board member of the Willow Creek Association.
An all-around religious skeptic born in 1952 (notions of God represent wishful thinking), his wife stunned him in the autumn of 1979 with the announcement that she had become a Christian. "I rolled my eyes and braced for the worst, feeling like the victim of a bait-and-switch scam. I had married one Leslie...the fun Leslie, the carefree Leslie, the risk-taking Leslie...and now I feared she was going to turn into some sort of sexually repressed prude who would trade our upwardly mobile lifestyle for all-night prayer vigils and volunteer work in grimy soup kitchens."
At age 28 and after almost two years of intense investigation Jesus, he converted on 8 Nov. 1981. He published The Case For Christ in 1998 and The Case For Faith in 2000. I've read both and think that each of these less-than-300 pages books has excellent information for those who think they will not find intelligent evidence in favor of faith and Jesus.