Walking on Water - Bryan Jennings

Posted by: lifestory in Sports

Tagged in: success , sports , purpose , professionals , meaning , faith

Bryan Jennings: As I was growing up, my friends and I were doing what many teenagers are doing today - drinking,having sex before marriage and swearing. I was left feeling very empty. One night I decied to read the Bible that had been sitting, gathering dust, on my desk.


I flipped open the Bible and the very first scripture I read was Isaiah 1:18, :though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow... if yo are willing and obedient, you will inherit the best of the land, but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword."

After reading that scripture, I knew that God was giving me two choices. I could either obey Him and be blessed, or I could resist Him and be miserable. I had already experienced for the previous 17 years what life is like when I chose to resist God and try to do things my way. I knew I needed to live my life the way God wanted me to, so I prayed to God.

That night, right there in my room I asked Him to change my life, and He did. Since then He has given me true peace, my professional surfing career, true friends and a ministry that used surfing to share the love of Jesus with young people all over the world. 

 Watch Bryan's testimonial videos:


  At Life Story Foundation, we are continually looking for inspirational videos and stories that describe a person's life before and after they found their Christian faith. If you know of a Christian testimony story or video online, please email us the link so we can post it on our site.

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Comments (1)Add Comment
Ariel Rhinehart
July 09, 2010

I would like to know if your testimonies are translated into the Romanian language. Thank you. Ariel Rhinehart

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