Other Resources and Links |
Here are some other resources and links that you can check out:
Websites Devoted To Testimonies:This Iz My Story - short documentaries of young influential Christians and their paths to the cross Faith Stories - a video-based website that shares stories about over-comers Faith Stories Online - "Stories of Faith for Inspiration and Proof that God can be Trusted Completely" Testimony Share - a vast array of Christian Testimonies Jesus Testimony - a collection of "real testimonies and real experiences about the living and real Jesus from real people"
Resources for the New Believer:About Christian - links to all things Christian Bible Gateway - the entire Bible in many different version and translations online Faith Facts - finding facts for life's tough questions
Christian Living:Christianity - All things Christian living! OnePlace - "the premier internet provider of online streaming Christian radio broadcasts and programs. Listen to your favorite Christian speakers, authors, and pastors" Crosswalk - A great resource for Christian living, Bible Study tools, and information about Jesus Christ Our Great God and Savior - "A set of links that will make locating Christian information easy for anyone" Christian Families - resources about parenting, relationships, community and more Grace Digest - "A collection of Bible studies, editorials on Christian living, church life, and Christian ministry, and a few selected political options" Hawk Stories - "Home of Twisted Tales and Dylan Stories. You'll find stories, original stories, wacky adaptations of stories, stories for all ages, stories to make you laugh or cry or both." Solution Ministries - Real solutions for real life K-Love - "K-Love mornings with Lisa and Eric" Academic Tips - "Moral Tales, Inspirational Stories" Cross TV - A top Christian media website. Great for top music artists, videos, church ministries, and music videos. Emergent Village - "a growing, generative friendship among missional Christians seeking to love our world in the Spirit of Jesus Christ"
Women's Resources:
Teen Resources:
News Websites:Worthy News
Blogs:Catholic Hour - "Catholic content for learning so that Catholics can better understand their faith and participate in the life of the Church." Worshipping Christian - "A worshipping Christian's Blog - bringing a Christian's perspective to current events" Increasing Faith - "Looking at faith from a fresh perspective" She Luvs God - A Christian Womens blog The Zone - Pastor Benjamin Lim Chin Wah's blog/ministry site Mike Duran - Mike Duran's blog covering a smattering of subjects Bible Belt Blogger - "Religion editor Frank Lockwood's Spirituality Blog" JD Greear - pastor Greear's website and blog Jeff Short - Jeff Short's weblog - the pulpit ministry Webinars 777
Church / Ministry Websites:Kingdom Building Today - a world wide "Kingdom Building" ministry association Priests For Life - unifying the clergy and sustaining many ministires Talk Jesus - "A non-denominational online church / christian cafe" Chavda Ministries International Kingdom Releasers - ministy Arise To Zion - Linda L. Sack's ministry website The Work of God - Catholic resources Koinonia John The Baptist - "A private association of the faithful in the Catholic church" Truth and Miracles - Nick Arandes' website NewInside - an international community of churches
Other Websites:Faith Writers - the #1 site for Christian writers on the web Christian Angel Capital Networks - "Where Christian Angel Investors meet Christian Entrepreneurs" Christian Nonduality - information about Nonduality Kruger to Kalahari - "Ensure your next Big-Five holiday is a five-star experience" - with a great message regarding your eternal soul The Duggar Family - 19 kids and counting on God Tell Our Life Stories - a website to help you write your life story