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The goal of the Lifestory Foundation is to provide faith-inspiring life stories as an encouragement, to those embarking on a faith journey and to those already following Jesus.

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  • Pray. That God would use these stories to touch people's lives and encourage them in their faith and walk with (or towards) Jesus.


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January 11, 2011

on july 7,1994 after being injured in a work accident ,i was faced with the possibility of loseing my arm to amputation,a weekk later this became a reality ,the circumstances and othere reasons contributed to the doctors in charge to make a final decision on july 15 to amputate,not told of the pending operation ,i awoke from a drug induced coma at 3 in the morning to discover the amputation took place,i was motified shocked and disalusioned by life and the path at wich god had taken me,a couple of days after my amputation ,i recieved a phone call to my hospital room answering thru the fog of hatred and regret anger and any other negative trait one can imagine,a voice spoke and said he had heard what had happened to me thru a mutual intrest,my father bruce richards had coached baseball for over fifty years at one leval or another in springfield illinois,as word had spread of what happened the baseball community came together to offer support and condolences ,in disbelief i listened as the voice on the other end told me a story of loss,despair ,pain ,hatred and anger,this man also told of overcomeing obstacles and of much greater needs of those suffering,he spoke of salvation from all things and that miracles happen not over night but over time,this mans name dave dravecky,i was absolutly floored,his story was one of the most admired of my generations,how he climbed back to the bigs ,and pitched and conquered adversity only to be tested by pain and suffering with a return of cancer ,america watched awe struck the day of his injury and the loss of his arm,are conversation lasted about twenty minutes or so mr dravecky ,told me about the gift of christ and his blessings for those he rminded me that christ wasnt a punishing god ,and that he offered forgiveness to those who sought,i have often thought of this call the past 16 years as i stuggled with loss,addiction ,pain and suffering,i thought of how i never thanked mr dravecky for takeing the time to call,i knew of the dave dravecky foundation,tonite out of curiosity i put his name in and googled to this website,i once again have been touched by the words of dave dravecky,a true awe inspireing miracle ,thank you sir for all you have done on behalf of christ,if their are saints on earth you are truly one,my name is daniel richards ,i have been touched twice now by your words of hope after years of struggle i hope this knew faith will carry me to a new salvation,

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